Who Is Credence In Harry Potter?

Many familiar with the ever-popular Harry Potter series have been introduced to a new era in the magical world.

This era, ranging with pre-Potter events, has brought forth numerous characters that have left fans curious and sometimes perplexed.

One such character is Credence.

With an enigmatic past and mysterious abilities, he is a figure of much fascination and conjecture among fans.

In the subsequent sections, we delve deeper into his character’s origins, role, and influence within the narrative.

We aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of this complex character who adds a remarkable dimension to this celebrated series.


Who Is Credence In Harry Potter?

Quick answer:

Credence Barebone is a character in the “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” series, a spin-off from the original Harry Potter franchise. He is an American wizard who was adopted by a No-Maj (the American term for Muggle) family and is portrayed as emotionally damaged due to his suppressive upbringing. In the series, Credence is revealed to be Aurelius Dumbledore, allegedly the lost brother of Albus Dumbledore.

Expanding on this, it’s worth noting that the character of Credence Barebone adds a unique layer of intrigue to the “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”


His mysterious backstory and dramatic revelations about his true identity not only elevates the plot but also deepens our understanding of the complex Dumbledore family lineage.

Exploration into Credence’s character also throws light on how the wizarding world treats its marginalized members, providing substantial material for further analysis.

In the following sections, we will be delving more into the dynamics of his character, his perception in the wizarding community, and the impact of his past on his actions.

This multi-faceted exploration will surely enhance your appreciation of the series’ narrative intricacies.

Exploring the Background of Credence

The world of Harry Potter is known for its deeply interconnected characters, and one such enigmatic character is Credence Barebone.

He represents a compelling figure in the narrative with a complicated past, adding a new dynamic to the spellbinding series.

Understanding his background is key to comprehending the twists and turns in the plot.

Credence’s Early Life

The story of Credence begins in a ship crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

He was rescued from a lifeboat after his mother and the other passengers were killed in a violent shipwreck.

After being adopted by the Barebone family, his story intertwines with various other characters from the Harry Potter universe.

Despite this turbulent past, little is known about his true heritage, fostering a sense of mystery that surrounds the character.

Credence and Obscurus

Credence is a unique character due to his status as an Obscurial, a witch or wizard who develops a dark magical parasite known as an Obscurus.

His Obscurus symbolizes the powerful magic that he was forced to suppress, highlighting the dangerous consequences of wizards and witches attempting to hide their magical abilities.

Obscurus represents the violent struggle between a wizard’s magical identity and the cruel societal norms that pressure them to suppress their true selves.

This phenomena starkly contrasts the themes of acceptance and self-discovery in the original Harry Potter series, adding more depth to Credence’s narrative.

His struggle with the Obscurus showcases his inner battle with his true identity and his imposed identity, making Credence a tragically sympathetic character in the overall narrative.

One of the many mysteries surrounding Credence’s life is the identity of his birth mother. To delve deeper into this mystery and the subsequent impact it had on Credence’s life, you can watch the following video.

Who Is Credence’s Mother? | Harry Potter Film Theory

In this video, you will learn about various fan theories regarding the identity of Credence’s mother.

These theories offer a new perspective on Credence’s narrative, providing a deeper understanding of his complex character.

His Life with Barebone Family

Being adopted by the Barebone family, Credence lived most of his life in a strictly non-magical environment that condemned and despised magic.

This harsh upbringing contributes significantly to his character development, as it fuels his internal struggles and highlights the conflicts in his life.

His struggle with acceptance and identity becomes even more prominent when the truth about his past slowly comes to light.

In essence, the background of Credence Barebone plays an integral part in the narrative and character development of the series, making him a significant and intriguing character.

How Is Credence Portrayed in the Original Franchise?

Credence’s Character in the Original Franchise

In the original franchise, Credence Barebone is introduced as a misunderstood and abused young man. Living with the Barebone family under the care of the strict and unforgiving Mary Lou, Credence is constantly subjected to harsh discipline and mistreatment. This abusive upbringing molds him into a character that is compliant and subservient on the surface, but also intense and somewhat unpredictable due to his underlying emotional turmoil.

Despite the bullying and the lack of love and understanding from his adoptive family, Credence demonstrates an innate gentleness and vulnerability that makes him a touching character. Interestingly, it is this very vulnerability that also makes him susceptible to manipulation and exploitation by those who discover his hidden magical potentials.

Living with the Barebone family under the care of the strict and unforgiving Mary Lou, Credence is constantly subjected to harsh discipline and mistreatment.

This quote highlights the life circumstances and conditions in which he was raised, which play a significant role in shaping his personality and actions. His silent struggle and innate benevolence in such harsh circumstances further spur the compassion of the audience towards him.

Credence’s Magic and the Obscurus

Unbeknownst to Credence and most around him, he harbors immense magical power. As a young boy, he has suppressed his magic due to his adoptive mother’s extreme anti-witchcraft beliefs, and unknowingly developed an Obscurus: a dark and volatile magical parasite.

Credence’s Obscurus makes him an rare and valuable asset to certain parts of the wizarding world, resulting in him being sought after by various characters with different motives. This leads to further complications and hardships for Credence.

Unbeknownst to Credence and most around him, he harbors immense magical power.

This adds another layer to Credence’s portrayal, hinting at the vast depths of magic within, that he himself is completely unaware of. Additionally, it emphasises the vulnerability of his character, as he becomes a pawn in the larger storyline due to his connection with the Obscurus.

The Tragic Figure

Overall, Credence is depicted as a tragic figure in the original franchise, suffering at the hands of those around him. This is rather understandable given his turbulent upbringing, immense yet suppressed magical potential, and exploitation by dark forces. Consequently, he is manipulated, abused, and feared.

This portrayal of Credence works to strike an emotional string with the audience, eliciting sympathy and driving the narrative tension in the storyline. His character acts as a conduit through which the dark underbelly of the Wizarding World is exposed.

Overall, Credence is depicted as a tragic figure in the original franchise, suffering at the hands of those around him.

Based on this depiction, Credence emerges as a powerful symbol of the harsh realities of the wizarding world, reinforcing the idea that not everything is as enchanting and entertaining as it first appears.

Credence’s Involvement in the Fantastic Beasts Series

From the onset, Credence Barebone plays a pivotal role in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them series, which serves as a prequel to the original Harry Potter franchise.

Introduced as a timid and repressed character, Credence displays signs of immense magical prowess, although he lacks the training to control them due to his suppressed upbringing.

The Growing Suspicion Around Credence

The mystery of Credence’s real identity stirs curiosity among characters and viewers alike in the Fantastic Beasts series.

His direct involvement with the Obscurus, a dark parasitic force that results from the suppression of a wizard’s magic, further intensifies his intriguing yet confusing existence.

The Fantastic Beasts series presents viewers with glimpses into Credence’s immense magical abilities.

Additionally, characters such as Gellert Grindelwald have a specific interest in Credence, raising more questions about his true importance.

Even though he is initially presented as an ordinary orphan, Credence soon becomes a figure of interest as the narrative unfolds.

Throughout the series, the uncertainties surrounding Credence have continuously fueled fan theories and speculation.

His increasing significance in the narrative serves as a precursor for major revelations that have a profound impact on the Fantastic Beasts storyline.

Credence’s Transformation into a Key Character

As the Fantastic Beasts series progresses, Credence transforms from a marginalized character to one that holds the key to unlocking some of the series’ darkest secrets.

Barebone’s transformation is not only pivotal to the series’ storyline, but it also provides a telling insight into the life of the complex and mysterious character.

Secrets Of Dumbledore Line REVEALS Credence's Link To Snape..

In this embedded video, fans can gain further insight into Credence’s evolving narrative in the Fantastic Beasts series.

It provides an in-depth examination of Credence’s character and his growing connection with the formidable Severus Snape.

Credence’s Split Association

Credence’s dual association with Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore adds another layer of suspense and complexity to his character.

It not only influences the direction of the series, but also takes the narrative into uncharted territory as Credence’s allegiance becomes more and more clouded.

His enchanting character journey is set against the backdrop of an escalating war in the magical world, adding further tension to the narrative.

This sense of unpredictability surrounding Credence further enhances the fans’ curiosity and keeps the narrative engaging.

In conclusion, Credence’s involvement in the Fantastic Beasts series is not only central to the storyline but also fascinatingly intricate, making his character one of the most intriguing aspects of the J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world.

Exploring the Mystical Powers of Credence

Credence Barebone, originally known as Aurelius Dumbledore in the Fantastic Beasts series, is a character enveloped in a shroud of uncertainty and distinctive mystery.

The Hidden Force Within

Unaware of his actual lineage and convinced of being a no-maj (non-magical person), he exhibits tremendous magical abilities which are a stark contrast to his plain, unassuming outward appearance.

With a suppressed background and the trauma inflicted by his adoptive mother, Mrs. Mary Lou Barebone, Credence unknowingly manifests a rare but destructive magical ability known as an Obscurus.

Bottled up magic, especially in younger wizards, creates an Obscurus – a parasitic and vestigial entity which can be highly destructive.

Throughout the series, it is depicted that whenever Credence feels agitated, frustrated or threatened, his Obscurus surfaces wreaking havoc on the physical world around him.

The volatile nature of an Obscurus amplifies the intensity of Credence’s magic

This point underscores the volatile nature of Credence’s superpower: the Obscurus. Conversely, it also emphasizes his distinct place in the Wizarding World, intricately weaving his narrative and personal journey.

It also provides insight into the connection between emotional turmoil and the surfacing of the Obscurus, making Credence an emotionally-charged character.

Controlled Manifestation and the Power Within

Despite being unaware of his actual lineage, Credence is unlike any other Obscurus host as he is able to survive past his childhood.

Nearly atypical for an Obscurial, he defies the norms and somehow manages to govern the rampaging power within him.

Thus, his survival further adds to the mystery and intrigue surrounding him. This unique attribute also makes him a person of interest to dark wizard, Gellert Grindelwald.

Survival beyond childhood is uncommon among Obscurials, which makes Credence a unique entity in the Wizarding World.

Drawing parallels from this statement, it can be inferred that Credence’s ability to control his Obscurus is perplexing and has vast implications on his character development.

It gives an indication about his inherent magical strength and potential, which would be interesting to witness in the upcoming quests.

It also suggests the prospect of Credence playing a pivotal role in the significant events to come.

Seeds of Transformation

In “Crimes of Grindelwald”, Credence’s transformation into a phoenix was presented as a turning point in understanding his magical powers.

Unveiling this lineage-specific magic threw light on the fact that he was the last surviving member of the Dumbledore family.

This twist, where Credence defies the norm and becomes a phoenix, adds another layer to his magical prowess, further enhancing the suspense around his character.

The ability to transform into a phoenix marks Credence as the last existing member of the Dumbledore lineage.

This statement, highlights the dramatic transformation of Credence from an Obscurial to a phoenix, reflecting the shift in his magical identity.

It also emerges as a symbolic representation of his rebirth and the revelation of his true self, which could have unpredictable impacts on his heroic journey.

This foreshadows a possible in-depth exploration of his magical abilities in the future movies of the franchise.

What Is Credence’s Relationship with the Barebone Family?

In the world of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts, family relationships are often complex, and Credence’s relationship with the Barebone family is no different.

Living Under Mary Lou:

Credence’s early life is marked by his existence within the Barebone family, a strict and dogmatic No-Maj (non-magical) family in the United States.

Mary Lou Barebone, head of the family and an active anti-witchcraft crusader, adopts Credence alongside two other orphans.

Her harsh approach to raising her adopted children, particularly with Credence, reveals a tense and abusive relationship.

Despite her obvious dislike for magic, she fails to realize Credence is the host of an Obscurus, a destructive force created when a magical child suppresses their magic.

Mary Lou Barebone’s fear of magic blinds her to the truth about her adopted son, inadvertently leading to dangerous consequences.

This oversight proves fatal as Credence loses control over his Obscurus, causing his adopted mother’s death.

Thus, Credence’s relationship with Mary Lou is one fraught with conflict and suppression, especially of his magical identity.

Chastity and Modesty Barebone:

Besides Mary Lou, Credence also has relationships with his adopted sisters, Chastity and Modesty.

Chastity, the older sister, is obedient to her mother and maintains a distance from Credence, contributing to his feelings of loneliness and isolation.

In contrast, Modesty, the youngest member of the family, shares a close bond with Credence.

She even becomes a figure of suspicion when the existence of an Obscurus is revealed, as it’s believed to be linked to a young, distressed witch or wizard.

Modesty’s understanding relationship with Credence contrasts with the rest of the Barebone family’s harshness, providing him a glimmer of familial affection.

This stands as a small comfort in Credence’s tumultuous family life, hinting at what could have been a nurturing family environment.

The Impact of Credence’s Magical Identity:

Credence’s relationship with the Barebone family drastically changes after his magical abilities are revealed.

Following the exposure of his Obscurus and the deaths of Mary Lou and Chastity, Credence leaves with Gellert Grindelwald, thus distancing himself from the non-magical world represented by the Barebones.

His departure marks the end of his association with the Barebone family and the beginning of his quest to understand his true identity.

Who Is Credence's Mother? (3 THEORIES) - Harry Potter / Secrets of Dumbledore Theory

For a deeper dive into the mysteries surrounding Credence’s lineage, consider watching this video. It offers an exploration of the possible answers to the enigmatic question: Who is Credence’s mother?

Unveiling Credence’s True Identity: Aurelius Dumbledore

Ever since his shocking identity reveal in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, the character of Credence Barebone has become one of the most intriguing figures in the Harry Potter universe.

Aurelius Dumbledore: The Unexpected Revelation

The climactic reveal, delivered by the character Gellert Grindelwald himself, professes that Credence, known at this point as an Obscurial (an individual who has developed an Obscurus due to suppression of their magical abilities), is really Aurelius Dumbledore.

This identification casts Credence as the lost brother of Albus Dumbledore, the esteemed Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and one of the franchise’s most essential characters.

The revelation left fans astonished, questioning if and how it could be true considering the established Dumbledore family timeline that they knew from the original Harry Potter books.

This identification casts Credence as the lost brother of Albus Dumbledore.

Not only does this claim hint at a possible retcon of existing canon, but it also adds a controversial dynamic to Credence’s character arc.

Moreover, it provides Grindelwald, who is known for his manipulative and deceitful tactics, with an upper hand in his fight against Albus Dumbledore.

The Potential Paradox: A Challenge to the Canon

According to J.K. Rowling’s original Harry Potter books, Albus Dumbledore has two known siblings: A younger brother named Aberforth, and a younger sister named Ariana.

The existence of an additional sibling, especially one born many years later, is not publicly acknowledged in the original series.

This fact raises up numerous questions about how Credence/Aurelius fits into the Dumbledore family.

According to J.K. Rowling’s original Harry Potter books, Albus Dumbledore has two known siblings.

Many theorists have suggested potential loopholes, such as an affair of Dumbledore’s father with another woman, but none of these theories can yet be substantiated with actual text evidence.

They serve merely as conjecture and speculation, only supporting the idea that the reveal of Credence’s true identity brought about a great deal of confusion among the fanbase.

Aurelius Dumbledore: A New Chapter Opens

Despite the initial confusion, the revelation of Credence as Aurelius Dumbledore sparks an interesting new chapter in the Harry Potter universe.

If true, it deepens the story line and brings back noteworthy layers to the relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

With this newfound information, viewers and readers can hope to delve deeper into the character of Dumbledore, understanding his family history and possibly even unearthing new, previously untold aspects of his past.

If true, it deepens the story line and brings back noteworthy layers to the relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

This reveal positions Credence/Aurelius not merely as a supporting character but as a key player in the conflict at the heart of the story, inevitably setting up the tone and direction for the upcoming movies.

Regardless of the doubts and questions raised by this unexpected twist, it’s undeniable that Credence’s identity as Aurelius Dumbledore has added a layer of complexity and intrigue to the Fantastic Beasts series, promising an exciting future for character exploration and development.

Credence and Albus Dumbledore: The Unlikely Connection

The relationship between Credence Barebone and Albus Dumbledore is one that has intrigued fans since its introduction in the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ series.

Particularly surprising is the revelation that Credence is actually Aurelius Dumbledore, supposedly the lost brother of Albus Dumbledore himself.

This unexpected revelation raised many questions, not least about how this relationship could impact the overarching narrative of the franchise.

Yet, one thing became clear – the connection between Credence and Albus is deeply complex and key to understanding both characters in greater depth.

Albus Dumbledore and his family tragedy

Albus Dumbledore’s family background is well-known among devoted fans of the Harry Potter series – a tragic narrative fraught with guilt, loss, and recrimination.

The death of his sister, Ariana Dumbledore, figures significantly into Albus’s character and his decision-making throughout the Harry Potter story.

Ariana’s death is typically attributed to a three-way duel gone wrong between Albus, his brother Aberforth, and friend (or more) Gellert Grindelwald.

Thus, the notion of a lost brother would incredibly complicate an already fraught familial situation, making for a more intriguing narrative.

Unraveling the Dumbledore family mystery

The introduction of Credence as Aurelius Dumbledore triggered a mass hysteria among Potterheads, all trying to decipher this confounding twist.

Perplexing because, from our knowledge of Harry Potter canon, Albus Dumbledore only had one sibling, Aberforth and a troubled sister, Ariana.

The existence of a third Dumbledore sibling, supposedly unknown to Harry Potter and his closest friends and comrades, requires stretching the boundaries of the established Harry Potter narrative.

When examining Albus Dumbledore as a character, such a revelation certainly adds an additional layer of complexity and mystery.

It implies a more profound secret, a hidden pain that Dumbledore has carried with him, intricating his persona even more.

The implications of Aurelius

What’s interesting, though, is the implications of Aurelius ― this connection goes far beyond the revelation of a blood relationship.

It ties into the narrative of Credence’s self-discovery, his search for his identity, and the exploration of his latent magical abilities.

Moreover, it adds a great deal of emotional depth and conflict to his relationship with Albus ― a man who has always been cagey about his past.

If Albus had indeed known about Credence – Aurelius, it might explain his interest in and knowledge of the “Obscurial” phenomenon.

Albus perhaps bears some responsibility for Credence’s upbringing and subsequent torment.

Albus vs Credence (Aurelius)

If you’re interested in exploring more about this connection, the video embedded provides plenty of insightful theories and engaging discussion.

It offers a deeper analysis on how the relationship could further unfold, and how it might shape the future narratives of the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ series.

The Impact of Credence’s Revealed Identity on the Narrative

The revelation of Credence’s true identity as Aurelius Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald produced a profound impact on the narrative of the entire Wizarding World.

Credence as Aurelius: A Major Plot Twist

Firstly, the unmasking of Credence as Aurelius Dumbledore was undeniably a pivotal turning point in the plot of the Fantastic Beasts series.

It not only shocked audiences worldwide, but also opened the door to numerous possible storyline developments and further plot twists.

After all, the notion of another Dumbledore sibling, especially one possessing such immense magical abilities as Credence, was something totally unexpected, creating chaos in the already intricate web of relations and alliances.

One cannot underestimate the value of this surprise element, as it spurred further interest in the series and helped to keep the franchise engaging and unpredictable.

Indeed, this stunning revelation painted a picture of intrigue and suspense around Credence/Aurelius and propelled the character to the center stage of Fantastic Beasts.

It also gave a new angle to the various character dynamics in the series,

The Unfolding Relationship Dynamics

The revelation of Credence’s identity immediately impacted the relationships with other characters, primarily with Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

Albus Dumbledore, who until then was mostly seen as a mentor and influencer, was suddenly thrown into a personal conflict with his newly discovered brother,

The same stands for Grindelwald, who, painted as a master manipulator and dark visionary, saw in Credence a perfect tool for his ambition of wizarding domination.

The discovery of his Dumbledore lineage transformed Credence from a mere weapon to an emotional and ideological minefield.

Such interpersonal dynamics further complicated the narrative and introduced a personal dimension to the struggle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, adding depth to the overall storyline arc.

A New Layer to Credence’s Character

Understanding Credence as Aurelius Dumbledore added an entirely new layer to the character itself.

It broadened the character’s emotional range, giving him a sense of identity and place in the larger Wizarding World narrative

The uncertainty and conflict that followed the revelation of his lineage, reflected in his tumultuous relationship with his Obscurus, enriched his character and propelled him from a passive victim into an active participant in the grand wizarding conflict.

The character’s transition from Credence Barebone to Aurelius Dumbledore is powerful as it not only changes his personal narrative, but influences the series storyline as a whole.

It also widened the scope of his interactions, putting him in a direct relationship with some of the main players in the Wizarding World, and deepened his characterization, painting him as an individual torn between personal quest for identity and the external pressures.

Theories Surrounding Credence’s Lineage

It is undeniable that Credence Barebone’s lineage has been a topic that has intrigued fans throughout the Fantastic Beasts series.

With the shocking revelation of his identity as Aurelius Dumbledore in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, several theories have emerged seeking to uncover the intricate details of his ancestry.

The great mystery is how Credence, who is significantly younger than Albus Dumbledore, could possibly be his brother, given what is known about the history of the Dumbledore family.

Aurelius: A Product of an Obscurus?

One theory proposes that Aurelius isn’t truly a biological Dumbledore, but rather a manifestation or product of Ariana Dumbledore’s Obscurus.

According to this theory, when Ariana died, her Obscurus somehow managed to survive and find a new host, eventually settling in Credence.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them established that an Obscurus can survive without its original host, lending some plausibility to this theory.

The Dumbledore family connection would then be through Ariana’s Obscurus, rather than by blood.

In the Harry Potter universe, magic and the laws surrounding it are complex and not always concrete, leaving room for this unique form of lineage.

An Obscurus surviving outside of its original host and taking a new one, could add an entirely new layer to the understanding of magical creatures and their abilities.

Such a development would show just how mutable and versatile magical entities can be in this universe, further complicating what we thought we knew about them.

This theory also creates a connection between Credence and Ariana, adding depth and complexity to both of their characters.

A Dumbledore by Blood?

Another prevalent theory is that Credence is indeed a biological Dumbledore.

This would imply that either Percival or Kendra Dumbledore had another child, unnoticed by the Wizarding World.

Given Percival Dumbledore’s incarceration in Azkaban and Kendra’s death, this seems highly unlikely, which has given rise to the theory that Grindelwald might’ve lied to manipulate Credence.

However, the biggest obstacle for this theory is the timeline.

Credence is shown to be much younger than either Aberforth or Albus Dumbledore, making his conception after Kendra’s death or Percival’s imprisonment improbable.

In the wizarding world, however, stranger things have happened, and the reveal of Credence as a Dumbledore by birth would undoubtedly create shockwaves throughout the narrative.

Deleted Scene: Credence kills Auror - Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

This video provides an intriguing insight into the destructive capabilities of Credence, highlighting his potential as a force in the brewing Wizarding War.

Its inclusion demonstrates the ongoing development of Credence’s character and his journey, which could lead to significant revelations regarding his lineage.

After exploring these theories, it is clear that the mystery of Credence’s lineage isn’t something that can be resolved without further clarification in the upcoming films.

Future Predictions: What Could Be Next for Credence?

In light of the recent revelations about Credence’s true heritage, it is legitimate to speculate on his journey in the upcoming Fantastic Beasts movies.

Search for His Origin

Credence, now known as Aurelius Dumbledore, could possibly engage in a quest to learn more about his lineage.

Having lived most of his life without knowing of his powerful magical lineage, Credence may wish to uncover the history of the Dumbledore family and better understand his own magical abilities.

Moreover, he may seek out instruction on how to use and control his powerful Obscurus.

Aurelius Dumbledore, now aware of his true identity, could embark on a journey of self-discovery and power control.

In line with this, Albus Dumbledore, given his vast knowledge and his personal connection, might be the best source of guidance for Credence.

However, Credence may have to confront Dumbledore’s troubled past with his family’s known tragedies.

Confrontation with Gellert Grindelwald

Given the manipulative ways of Grindelwald, it is highly likely that a confrontation between him and Credence is on the horizon.

Grindelwald’s intention of using Credence as a weapon against Dumbledore could lead to bitter conflict, especially now that Credence knows his true lineage.

Their inevitable clash could be further intensified given Grindelwald’s history with Albus, igniting a potential Dumbledore versus Grindelwald showdown through their respective proxies.

Grindelwald’s intention to manipulate Credence might be a catalyst for a showdown between him and Dumbledore.

Grindelwald’s intentions once revealed might push Credence, who had been conflicted and misguided most of his life, into the folds of the light.

A Potential Ally of Newt Scamander

The kind-hearted magizoologist, Newt Scamander, has already shown sympathy for Credence and could be a key ally in his transformation.

Newt, who already has a deep understanding of Credence’s Obscurus, can provide him with the empathetic guidance he needs.

Moreover, Newt’s friendship with Dumbledore could be a catalyst for a possible reconciliation or alliance between Credence and Albus.

Newt Scamander, being a friend of both Credence and Dumbledore, might play a key role in bridging the gap between them.

In the end, forging powerful alliances with both Albus and Newt could lend Credence the support he requires to navigate through his new found identity.

Together, they might be able to not only challenge Grindelwald’s dark designs but also bring about an understanding of the complexities surrounding Obscurials as a whole.

The Bottom Line

The enigmatic character of Credence, from his humble beginnings to an unexpected twist as Aurelius Dumbledore, has undoubtedly been one of the most intriguing elements in the “Fantastic Beasts”


His unknown magical abilities, complex relationship with the Barebone family, and surprising connectivity with Albus Dumbledore enrich the narrative, promising fascinating developments for future iterations.

While numerous theories and speculations surround Credence’s lineage, the most compelling storyline remains what lies ahead for his character.

In turn, this intrigue serves to deepen the anticipation and fascination fans have with the rich and magical world of Harry Potter and its sprawling universe.