How Long Is The Harry Potter Broadway Show?

Exploring the landscape of magical narratives, J.K. Rowling’s brainchild, Harry Potter, has transcended the realm of literature to cast a spell on stages across the globe.

With its Broadway debut in April 2018, the show has attracted a deluge of spectators, making it one of the most noted theatrical productions in recent years.

A prevalent query among the prospective audience tends to revolve around the duration of the spectacle.

The anticipation surrounding the time-length often stems from the desire to schedule the day accordingly.

This write-up aims to address that particular curiosity.

We delve into the specifics of the runtime and provide insights to enable efficient planning for the audience.


How Long Is The Harry Potter Broadway Show?

Quick answer:

The Harry Potter Broadway show, officially titled “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, is approximately five hours and 15 minutes long. However, it’s important to note that the show is divided into two parts, each with a running time of roughly two-and-a-half hours. These two parts are typically watched on the same day with a break in between, or on two separate days.

Expanding on this, it’s valuable to delve further into the structure of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, offering a broader understanding of this unique Broadway format.

This guide will also elucidate on why the show’s lengthy nature provides an immersive experience unparalleled in the theater world.

Additionally, ins and outs of theatre etiquette during the extensive show will be addressed to enhance your viewing experience.

Also, for any HP fanatics, a brief synopsis of the storyline will be discussed to tantalize your Potter curiosity, without giving away any important plot twists, of course.

By encompassing these aspects, this in-depth exploration will further your comprehension and appreciation of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.”

Understanding the Structure of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

The remarkable magic of the Harry Potter series was brought to life in a new format, the stage, with the project Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Unlike the original book series, the story unfolds in two parts, adding a unique layer to its structure.

The theatrical adaptation of the world’s most beloved wizarding story has been breathtakingly transformed by Jack Thorne, who masterfully crafted the story based on an original new story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany.

The Intricacy of Storytelling in Two Parts

What makes “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” stand apart is that it tells the story in two full-length parts. Each part is a complete theatrical play, but they are designed to be watched in order as the second part is an extension and continuation of the first one.

This two-part structure is a first for this series and adds a rich depth and complexity to the narrative.

Drawing from the tradition of epic theatre, the two-part structure provides the scope to unravel the detailed narrative of Harry’s later life and the adventures of his son at Hogwarts. This format allows for a more profound exploration of character development and the wizarding world.

The unique two-part structure of the play also means that it is ideal to be experienced in its entirety, with both parts viewed in order. Yet, the structure also provides a degree of flexibility for how it could be viewed, based on individual schedules and preferences.

Different Yet Intrinsically Connected

While each part of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” can technically stand alone, they are intrinsically connected. Each part complements and enhances the other, much as the books in the original series do.

Part One sets the stage by introducing characters, revealing the plot, and building up the dramatic tension. It explores life post-Hogwarts for Harry, his friends, and their children.

Part Two, on the other hand, moves the narrative forward, adding more conflicts, surprising twists, and an emotionally charged resolution. It provides the climactic conclusion to the captivating events set into motion in Part One.

While each part has its place in the overall story, they are most impactful when experienced together.

Each part provides its set of revelations, thrilling moments, and emotional beats. Yet, the two are intricately woven together to create an immersive theatrical experience that echoes the magic of the world created by J.K. Rowling.


By watching the linked video, you’ll get a unique look into the journey and experience of a fan watching “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”. It provides helpful insights into how the story and characters translate from the pages of a book to the grandeur and spectacle of a theatre stage.

Part One and Part Two of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: What’s the Big Difference?

The distinction between Parts One and Two of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child goes deeper than merely serving as a split for the two halves of the show. Each part represents a different segment of the story, each intricately tied to the other, yet fully capable of standing on its own with a unique arc and tone.

Analysis of Part One

Part One is particularly focused on establishing the story’s exposition and introducing the characters in their present-day situations. It shows Harry, Ron, and Hermione as adults with their own families, showing us a new side to these familiar characters. Moreover, it deeply explores the relationship between Harry and his son Albus, setting the groundwork for the narrative that unfolds.

“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is a play that encompasses several themes, the legend of the Potter family and the weight of the past that is evident throughout the Part One. With the use of time, or more accurately a time-turner, the narrative complicates and the past literally begins to infiltrate the present.

In the first part of this beloved magical tale, the line between past and present is blurred by the usage of a time-turner, spiraling the story into a nostalgic and thrilling adventure.

This isn’t just a throwback, but a vital turning point in the plot, strengthening the narrative’s intrigue and drama. The repercussions of these actions severely impact the characters, increasing the anticipation for the unfolding events in Part Two.

Dissecting Part Two

In contrast, Part Two plunges us into the heart of the action. Here, the conflict becomes tangible, the stakes are higher, and the characters grapple with the fallout from their decisions made in Part One. It also delves deeper into certain relationships and characters with expanded backstories, providing a fresh perspective on the core characters.

The themes of friendship, sacrifice, and second chances are more profound in the second part of the play. Here, the narrative plot lines get more intertwined creating a complex yet thrilling storyline for the audience. The ‘alternative reality’ conceptualized in the story offers a dynamic twist to the narrative.

In Part Two, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” takes us on the ultimate roller coaster ride, where reality is bent, friendships are tested, and battles are fought.

The audience can thus see the deeper layers of these beloved characters and appreciate the complexities of the choices they make.

The differences in atmosphere and tone between Parts One and Two are a result of how the play unfolds- Part One mainly focused on establishing the relationships and laying down the ground work while Part Two is where the main action takes place. Despite these differences, both parts are integral to the overall narrative of the play.

How Long Is Each Part of the Harry Potter Broadway Show?

Experiencing the magic of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway is undeniably enchanting, and part of the enchantment is the unique structure of the show. Unlike traditional plays that are divided into acts and scenes, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is separated into two distinct parts.

Duration of Part One

Part One of the play runs for approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes. This segment of the show offers an intricate introduction to the characters, story arcs, and magical world of Harry Potter. The gripping plot builds steadily throughout Part One, setting the scene and provoking intrigue for what lies ahead. Yes, there are also intermissions within this part!

Part One of the play runs for approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes.

The accuracy of the exposition is truly a marvel. There is a lot to take in during Part One, which makes it all the more engaging. The production ensures that each minute is meticulously crafted to maintain the interest and excitement of the audiences.

Duration of Part Two

Following this thrilling launch, Part Two takes the intensity up a notch. This half of the production lasts around 2 hours and 35 minutes, packing in stunning visual effects and intricate plot developments. The dramatic climaxes and resolutions happen in this second act of the show, which also has breaks within.

Part Two takes the intensity up a notch. This half of the production lasts around 2 hours and 35 minutes.

The action, drama, and spectacle all ramp up in Part Two. The emotional punch and the surprising plot twists make for an all-rounded theatre experience. The detailed execution throughout Part Two aids in cultivating the suspense and intensifying the anticipation.

Every Single Difference Between the Prisoner of Azkaban Book & Movie (Harry Potter Explained)

For everyone excited about exploring more Harry Potter content, this video is a worthy watch. The material presents an in-depth comparison between the “Prisoner of Azkaban” book and its movie counterpart, which could provide some interesting insights for all Potterheads.

Overall Run Time

Combined, these two parts create a whopping 5 hours and 15 minutes of magical immersion. Viewing “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is an event; it’s not rushed. It takes the necessary time to forge a deep connection with each character and plotline.

Combined, these two parts create a whopping 5 hours and 15 minutes of magical immersion.

This time span makes the play a truly immersive experience. Even though the duration may seem extensive, the blend of intricate plotting, unforgettable characters, and supernatural spectacles makes every second completely worthwhile.

Planning Your Visit: Scheduling Around the Show Run Time

Before delving into the details of planning your visit to watch Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it’s paramount to comprehend the structure and duration of the show.

Understanding the Show Structure

Recognizing the show’s structure allows you to schedule your visit more efficiently. The Broadway rendition of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is divided into two parts, with each part unfolding over several hours.

For the uninitiated, the two-part structure might seem intimidating; however, managing your time around this structure can enhance your overall experience.

“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” was designed to be enjoyed over two performances, meaning you will have to schedule your time around two separate shows.

Familiarity with the show’s structure allows seamless planning and prevents unnecessary rushing, hence enhancing your overall experience.

Scheduling your visit around the structure of the show not only allows you to fully immerse in the story, but it also gives you a chance to explore the venue and get the most out of the experience.

The Importance of Timings

Knowing when each part starts and ends can help you determine the most appropriate time to arrive at the venue, take a meal break or even book a nearby hotel room if necessary.

Commonly, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is scheduled such that Part One is performed in the afternoon while Part Two is staged in the evening. This schedule might vary depending on the theater, date, and special occasions.

Being aware of the run time allows you to plan your travel, meal, and rest times strategically.

Knowing when each part starts and ends is crucial for devising a hassle-free and enjoyable visit.

Having the timings at your fingertips helps in beating the rush and queues, managing your energy levels throughout the day, and potentially even fitting in other activities around the show timings.

The Art of Scheduling

Once you’re acquainted with the show’s timings, it’s all about making the most of your day.

Since the show is divided into two parts, you might consider exploring the venue or its surroundings between the performances. This gap gives you an ideal opportunity to enjoy a meal, take a breather, or even build up anticipation for the upcoming part.

Time management and strategic planning can transform your experience from just watching a show to enjoying a full-day, immersive “Harry Potter” experience.

Strategic planning can transform your experience from mere viewership to an immersive adventure.

The art of scheduling goes beyond just preparing for the show – it involves a carefully crafted plan that can enhance every aspect of your theater visit.

Are There Intermissions During the Harry Potter Broadway Show?

When considering a visit to watch the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Broadway show, an important aspect to consider is the structure of the performance.

Yes, there are intermissions during the Harry Potter Broadway Show. This is an essential component of the show’s structure and effectively contributes to the overall theatre experience.

Necessity of Intermissions

Intermissions, often referred to as intervals, are common in long plays and are crucial for a few reasons.

Firstly, they offer the audience time to process the story they have watched so far, which is especially important in multi-layered narratives like Harry Potter.

They additionally provide a needed break for attendees to refresh themselves, use the restroom, and grab a quick snack or drink.

Indeed, these short pauses significantly enhance the audience’s viewing comfort.

They also give the performers a well-deserved rest, and the technical crew time to prepare the stage for the subsequent scenes.

The length and number of Intermissions

The Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Broadway show consists of two parts, each having one intermission.

These intermissions are approximately 20 minutes long – a duration that is generally considered standard for theater productions.

This offers ample time for the audience to unwind, but not long enough to interrupt the momentum of the plot.

The intermissions in this show act as a natural narrative pause, a breather before the next wave of the captivating tale unfolds.

In essence, the intermissions become a part of the overall storytelling, adding to the crescendo of the experience.

Maximizing the Intermission

Given the timetable of the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child show, audience members should plan on how to spend these intermissions wisely.

For a deeper dive into the Harry Potter universe, the embedded link redirects to an informative YouTube video.

It provides unique perspectives on the Harry Potter series that could potentially enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the Broadway show.

In conclusion, understanding the structure of intermissions in the Harry Potter Broadway show is essential. It allows for not only a better viewing experience, but it also allows for a deeper appreciation for the artistry and thought put into creating such a magnificent spectacle.

What to Do During the Break Between Part One and Part Two?

The question of what to do during the break between Part One and Part Two of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is one that many theater-goers ponder. This question is not without merit, as the duration of the break between the two parts of this Broadway show varies depending on the day and schedule.

Deciding What to Do During the Break

Luckily, the location of the show provides a number of options for ways to spend your break. Besides grabbing a quick bite or drink, there are several nearby attractions that can be enjoyed. Remember to plan according to the length of your break and the distance of your chosen activity from the theater.

Explore the nearby areas and visit attractions if practical or, take a simple leisurely walk to keep up the energy until the second part begins.

This was mentioned because in the hustle and bustle of a theater break, it can be easy to forget to take care of one’s self. Therefore, it’s crucial to do something that will help keep energy levels high and spirits lifted for the second part. Going out for a walk, for example, can be a refreshing option to breathe some fresh air and stretch your muscles.

Picking a Suitable Restaurant or Cafe

For those who prefer to spend the break in a relaxed environment, opting for a meal or a drink could be ideal. However, keep in mind the restaurant or café you choose should be in a reasonable distance from the theater or have quick service. Additionally, it’s generally a good idea to make reservations in advance, if possible, to save waiting time.

Opt for a café or restaurant nearby, review their menu, service speed, and the distance from the theater in order to make the most of your break.

This advice factors in not just the taste of the food or the quality of the restaurant, but also how practical it would be considering the limited time frame. That way, you can ensure a smooth transition from your meal back to the theater for the second part of the show.

Observing Precautions When Planning Break Activity

While it is perfectly normal to want to explore or relax during the break, always remember that time is of the essence. We wouldn’t want you to miss the second part of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”. In addition to planning your activities, ensure you are familiar with the start time of the second part and allocate enough time to return to the theater.

Being aware of the start time for Part Two and factoring in some buffer time to return to the theater is key to a stress-free break.

So, whether you choose to eat, explore, or simply relax, make sure you’ve timed it well. A rushed return could cause unnecessary stress and potentially sour the experience of the show. Therefore, always keep an eye on the time and strive to return to the theater with a few minutes to spare.

Is It Possible to Watch Both Parts of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in One Day?

Many fans and enthusiasts of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child often ask if it is feasible to watch both parts of this bewitchingly captivating Broadway production in a single day.

Well, the answer to this query is a resounding Yes!

It is indeed possible to catch both parts of the play within a 24-hour window for an exhilarating, immersive, and magical theatre experience.

The theatrical structure and scheduling are designed to provide a range of viewing possibilities catering to diverse audience needs.

Notably, two-show days are structured such that audiences can enjoy both parts of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in a day, typically a matinee and an evening performance.

Two-Show Days: An enthralling experience

Two-show days often evoke the excitement of a celebration or a grand festival among the audiences.

This format allows viewers an opportunity to celebrate the magic of Harry Potter on stage and fully appreciate the intricacies of the plot and the brilliance of the production within the same day.

While watching two parts in a day might seem challenging, the truth is that it adds to the thrill and excitement, turning the whole day into a magical adventure.

Nothing comes close to the exhilarating experience of immersing oneself in the world of Harry Potter all day.

This format when strategically planned, allows viewers to savor, reflect, and connect the performances of part one and part two seamlessly thus providing a complete theatrical experience.

The thrill of following the narrative with bated breath, coupled with the anticipation of what’s going to happen next, makes for an intense, eventful day.

The Schedule: A Day-long commitment

To catch both shows in one day, it’s important to plan for a day-long commitment.

For instance, if part one is scheduled as a matinee – say at 2 pm, then part two, the evening performance, typically begins at 7:30 pm.

This schedule provides ample time for theatre-goers to catch a meal and rest their minds before dipping back into the storyline in the evening.

As a result, instead of an exhausting day, the structure ensures a comfortable and memorable theatre experience for everyone.

Remember, the viewing experience may vary depending on personal stamina, attention spans, and overall enthusiasm towards the storyline.


To help visualize the ambiance and experience of a two-show day, you might benefit from watching the embedded video.

It provides a glimpse into the magical world of Harry Potter on stage, and gives you a sense of the essence and mood of such a special theatre day.

To sum up

In conclusion, it is certainly possible and sometimes even more enjoyable, to watch both parts of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in a single day.

So, if you’re a Harry Potter fan and have the time and enthusiasm for a magical marathon day of theatrics, this could be a journey full of wonder, exhilaration, and nostalgia awaiting you.

Watching the Show Over Two Days: What to Expect?

Choosing to watch ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ over two days comes with its own unique set of experiences.

This isn’t just an opportunity to absorb the fantastical world of Harry Potter at a relaxed pace, but it also gives one ample time to reflect on the events of the first part before plunging into the second.

Day One primarily involves experiencing the enthralling beginning of the play, while Day Two promises the final part, full of electrifying splashes of magic and emotional depth.

Anticipation and Experience

The expectation and excitement in the run-up to the show are intensively built up when the play’s viewing extends over two days.

You start with the vibrant complexity of Part One, and it leaves you speculating on possible outcomes, which you look forward to being resolved on Day Two.

This turns the experience into a tantalizing combination of suspense and excitement, which is absent when watching the show in just one day.

Being able to discuss predictions and impressions with other audience members or friends during the break can also enhance the theatre experience.

> It’s like an on-going conversation with the play and its magical universe, extending beyond the theatre’s four walls.

This allows you to immerse deeper into the world of the play and derive an infinitely richer experience.

Giving oneself this time can create a more profound connection with the story and its characters, making the return on the next day even more thrilling.

Emotional Rollercoaster

When split over two days, the show takes you on an emotional rollercoaster.

Part One lays the groundwork for the characters and sets up the conflicts.

You will have time to process the complex emotions, relationships, and plotlines presented.

Part Two tends to be more intense, with higher stakes and climactic twists.

> This pacing enhances the emotional ride, making every laugh a little louder and each cliffhanger more suspenseful.

This time also allows the poignancy of the play’s themes — friendship, parenthood, mortality, the burdens of our past and the fear of future — to sink in deeper.

A two-day viewing, thus, makes the experience more gratifying as it provides an emotional catharsis that is rare in most single evening performances.

The Practical Side

Onto more practical aspects, watching the show over two days can be more relaxed and less physically demanding.

The total running time of the play is over five hours, which, when viewed in a single day, can be quite taxing.

Spreading it over two days makes it easier to comfort yourself during the show, given the play’s length.

> It also offers the chance to rest between performances, which can be especially beneficial for travellers or those with busy schedules.

This way, you get to enjoy the spectacle without feeling rushed, fatigued, or overwhelmed.

You’ll also have more time to explore the theatre, appreciate its ambiance, check out the merchandise, or even revisit significant scenes from the play in your mind.

Whether it’s indulging in the extended suspense, sinking in the emotional depth, or appreciating the convenience of a moderately paced viewing, watching ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ over two days enhances the theatrical experience in several ways.

However, each viewer’s preferences and circumstances will ultimately decide whether this format suits him or her best.

How to Efficiently Plan Your Day According to the Show’s Duration?

Watching the Harry Potter Broadway show is a commitment not only in terms of time but also energy. An understanding of the show’s duration is key to planning your day efficiently and getting the best out of this magical experience. With a clear plan, you can balance your time, manage your expectations and reduce the risk of rushing or feeling overwhelmed.

Identify the Show’s Schedule

Before planning your day, begin by establishing the schedule of the show you’re attending. The Harry Potter Broadway show usually follows a structured outline with precise timing for the commencement and closure of each act, determining the breaks in-between. It’s crucial to have this information early so that you can measure your day’s structure against it.

Harry Potter TV Series REBOOT! What’s It Going To Be About? | Harry Potter Film Theory

Viewing this video can offer you a glimpse into the intriguing concept of the Harry Potter show, equipping you better for the experience. It may further stir your excitement for the show and provide a better understanding of the story’s unique presentation on stage.

Plan Adequate Breaks

Consider that the Harry Potter Broadway Show is divided into two parts with an allocated break. Use this intermission to refresh yourself and perhaps get some snacks. This will also be an opportunity for restroom visits or social interactions since turning off your mobile phone is expected during the presentation.

“Understanding the structure of the show allows you to plan suitable moments of respite.”

Knowing when to designate breaks in your day not only helps alleviate fatigue, but it also enhances your focus and enjoyment during the entire show.

Consider Meal Times

Remember to plan your meal timings around the show schedule. Eating heavy meals right before the show can make you feel lethargic and less attentive. Prefer light meals and keep yourself hydrated. Try to schedule a substantial meal either before you arrive or after the conclusion of the show.

Account for Traffic and Travel Time

Consider your travelling time to the theater and factor in possible traffic delays. Plan to arrive well ahead of the starting time to secure parking, find your seats, and settle in without rush. In case of potential delays, it’s best to have a buffer time, so you don’t end up missing any part of the performance.

By comprehending the duration and structure of the Harry Potter Broadway Show, you can plan your day more efficiently. Be prepared, remain adaptable, and, most importantly, enjoy every moment of the experience.

Factors That Might Influence the Run Time of the Show

When it comes to the run time of a Broadway show, a myriad of factors come into play. The overall duration isn’t always straightforward and can be influenced by variables that stretch beyond the written script and programmed performances.

General Broadway Show Factors Affecting Run Time

The nature of live theatre inherently contains a certain degree of unpredictability, whether it concerns the performers, the stage crew, or even the audience. No performance is entirely identical to the previous or subsequent run, and this often comes with minute variations in the run time.

Additionally, the length of intermissions between acts or parts of a play can vary and thus impact the total show duration. Typically, these intermissions last around 15 to 20 minutes, but sometimes, unforeseen issues may extend the break times.

Lastly, timing of the curtain call, or the final bow, can adjust the total run time as well. For a popular play such as “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, the standing ovation from the audience might prolong the curtain call, thereby extending the show’s end time.

The standing ovation from the audience might prolong the curtain call, thereby extending the show’s end time.

Each of these elements demonstrates the unique aspects of live theatre that can affect the duration of a show. These aren’t issues you’d experience in a taped and edited cinematic showing which runs to an exact script.

Specific Factors for “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”

Beyond general Broadway show aspects, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” finds its own unique factors influencing the show’s duration. First among these is the dynamic stage effects used throughout the performance. These important elements of the show, whilst highly immersive and magical to the audience, can unpredictably add to the run time.

A staple of the Harry Potter world are the spell casting sequences, and given the live nature of these scenes, they can sometimes take longer than expected, thus extending the show’s length.

Given the live nature of these scenes, they can sometimes take longer than expected, thus extending the show’s length.

The stage effects and spell casting sequences, while being a significant allure to the audience, increases the unpredictability of the show’s run time. It is always important to remember that these variations are a part of the charm of live theatre.

Finally, audience receptions uniquely influence the run time of “Harry Potter and The Cursed Child”. Be it applause or a dramatic pause in the aftermath of a pivotal plot point, these moments of interaction can add to the overall duration.

The beauty of a Harry Potter show lies also in these spontaneous, shared moments between the performers and the audience, where the line between fiction and reality seem to blur. The emotional investment of the viewers is what renders these moments so impactful and worthwhile, even if they adjust the show’s planned timing.

The Bottom Line

Navigating through the two-part structure of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”

can be an enriching experience whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to the magical world.

Each part of the Broadway show ranges in length, making it crucial to plan your visit according to the show run time.

Intermissions are part of the show, giving audiences time to relax and process the spectacle.

The break between Part One and Part Two can also be utilized for leisure or exploring the surrounding area.

It’s even possible to watch both parts in a single day, or alternatively, over consecutive days, depending on your preferences and travel arrangements.

A well-thought-out plan according to the show’s duration can markedly enhance your experience.

Nevertheless, it’s imperative to bear in mind that various factors may potentially affect the run time of the show.