How Does Fantastic Beasts Connect To Harry Potter?

Understanding the complex relationship existing between the Fantastic Beasts series and the Harry Potter franchise is crucial for fans passionate about the Wizarding World.

Both narratives have been created by the prolific author, J.K. Rowling, which has led audiences to discover intriguing links between them.

Uncovering these connections not only adds profound depth to the narratives but also enhances the overall viewing experience.

Over the years, these ties have sparked global discussions, theory formations, and predictions with every new release.

This isn’t surprising considering the sheer depth and dynamism of Rowling’s world.

Today, we delve into these insights and bring to light the hidden correlations between J.K. Rowling’s two magical series.


How Does Fantastic Beasts Connect To Harry Potter?

Quick answer:

“Fantastic Beasts” is a prequel series to “Harry Potter,” set decades earlier, and it expands on the magical world initially created by J.K. Rowling. The series introduces characters, beasts, and elements of wizarding history that have direct ties to the characters and events seen in the original “Harry Potter” series. Key connections include the character of Albus Dumbledore, the concept of Obscurials, and the dark wizard Grindelwald, all of which have significant implications in the Harry Potter storyline.

Beyond these preliminary connections, the “Fantastic Beasts”

series delves deeper into numerous facets of the magical world that were hinted at or only briefly covered in the original “Harry Potter”


It explores themes such as the international wizarding community, the historic attitudes towards magic, and the intricate politics of the magical world.

As we delve into these aspects further, the expanse and complexity of J.K. Rowling’s creation becomes evident, enriching the understanding of Harry Potter’s world from a wider perspective.

Thus, the reader can anticipate in-depth explorations of these topics and the ways in which they offer a grander picture of the universe that fans originally fell in love with.

Introducing the Fantastic Beasts Series: A Step-by-Step Journey

The Fantastic Beasts series, born out of J.K. Rowling’s magical wizarding world, pioneers through a different era with fresh perspectives on the diverse array of magical creatures and characters that we have come to know and love.

As a prequel to the beloved Harry Potter series, Fantastic Beasts offers fans a glimpse into the life and adventures of Newt Scamander and other magical beings who were previously either unknown or only mentioned briefly in the Harry Potter books.

Indeed, it has the unique ability to expand the universe’s timeline, bringing to life events and characters that existed long before Harry, Hermione, and Ron ever set foot in Hogwarts.

Set on a Diverse Backdrop

The series is set in a variety of locations, differing significantly from the primarily UK-based setting of Harry Potter.

From the bustling streets of 1920’s New York to European cities such as Paris, Fantastic Beasts deepens the understanding of the wizarding world and its operations outside of Great Britain.

The series refreshes the Potter universe by introducing a multitude of new characters, societies, and creatures, invariably adding depth and complexity to the narratives.

The first film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, takes place in America, thereby introducing fans to a new wizarding culture and its unique aspects, such as the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This exploration of varied locations and magical societies reveals the different facets and dynamics of the global wizarding populace, which forms a significant part of the series’ allure.

Significantly, the series also unravels the story of Obscurials, a poignant and intricate aspect of the magical world that was only hinted at in the Harry Potter books, promising to bring intriguing plotlines and character development.

Playing with Time and Plotlines

As a prequel, the use of retroactive continuity or retcon brings with it a delicately balanced dance of maintaining consistency with the original series while attempting to keep the plot engaging and unpredictable.

It is indeed a testament to J.K. Rowling’s plotting prowess that she manages to weave in obscure references and hidden clues in the Harry Potter books, which can now be expanded upon in Fantastic Beasts.

This allows the prequel to feel both familiar and excitingly fresh at the same time, as the series finds clever ways to link back to the much-loved original series with its twists and turns.

Must Watch Before THE SECRETS OF DUMBLEDORE | Fantastic Beasts 1 & Crimes of Grindelwald Recap

The video featured here provides an in-depth recap of the first two movies from the Fantastic Beasts series, as well as some hidden connections, and sheds light on what could potentially set the foundation for the upcoming sequel “The Secrets of Dumbledore”.

By watching it, fans can refresh their memory of the storyline, better understand its ties with the Harry Potter series, and gain insights into what to expect in the sequel.

Building up the Excitement for the Potterheads

The anticipation and excitement of the Potterheads are definitely on the rise as they try to piece together clues from the Potter books, the adventures of Newt Scamander, and the unfolding narrative against the historical backdrop of the global magical society.

Fantastic Beasts holds the key to not only understanding the Harry Potter series from a new light but also extends the opportunity to dive deeper into the magical universe beyond the British Isles, meeting unusual beasts and intriguing characters along the way.

Thus, the Fantastic Beasts series serves as both a standalone epic and a guidepost for those seeking to explore J.K. Rowling’s magnum opus from fresh vantage points.

A Look into Albus Dumbledore’s Character Evolution in Both Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter Series

When investigating the character evolution of Albus Dumbledore, it’s vital to note that his appearances in the Fantastic Beasts series differ significantly from those in the Harry Potter series.

Albus Dumbledore’s depiction in the Fantastic Beasts series

In the Fantastic Beasts series, Dumbledore is portrayed as a younger, somewhat unsettled man, still trying to find his footing in a complex magical world.

He appears as a professor at Hogwarts School, a position that provides him with a unique perspective on the magical community and the societal issues it faces.

Dumbledore’s deep connection to Grindelwald, a character who plays a significant role in the series, exposes his complexities and emotional conflicts, which add layers to his persona in this series.

Dumbledore’s deep connection to Grindelwald exposes his complexities and emotional conflicts.

This relationship, coupled with his stances on wizarding society’s issues, adds rich and complex texture to Dumbledore’s character.

It sets a ground for the depth of wisdom and concern he’ll demonstrate in the Harry Potter series.

Character evolution in the Harry Potter series

By the time the Harry Potter series begins, Dumbledore has aged considerably and earned the revered position of Hogwarts’ headmaster.

He has also built a reputation as the greatest wizard of his time.

This series reveals him as a somewhat enigmatic figure with a profound wisdom and a mysterious past.

His actions and decisions often carry a moral ambiguity that testifies to his complex personality.

His actions and decisions often carry a moral ambiguity that testifies to his complex personality.

This evolved figure of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter series often refers back to his past experiences and the lessons he learnt during his younger years, which were depicted in the Fantastic Beasts series.

The stark contrast between the Dumbledore of the Fantastic Beasts series and the Dumbledore of the Harry Potter series depicts a fascinating character progression that spans decades and world-changing events.

Lessons from Dumbledore’s character development

Dumbledore’s character evolution demonstrates the power of a well-developed backstory; his experiences in the Fantastic Beasts series deepen the audience’s understanding of his decisions and actions in the Harry Potter series.

The continuity of his character across both series gives audiences a richer understanding of the wizarding world.

Dumbledore’s character evolution demonstrates the power of a well-developed backstory.

This evolution encourages audiences to reflect on their perception of him as either a mentor, a manipulator, or a deeply flawed individual trying to make the best decisions he can with the knowledge and power he possesses.

By observing his character, we learn the importance of personal history in shaping our present actions and decisions, giving us a more comprehensive perception of both series’ characters and storylines.

Grindelwald: The Connecting Bridge between Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter

One fascinating aspect of the Fantastic Beasts series is its ability to connect the world of Harry Potter through a number of characters and story arcs.

Arguably, the most critical of these characters is Gellert Grindelwald.

Grindelwald’s role, which is crucial in both series, makes him a connecting bridge for the entire ‘Potterverse’.

It is worth analyzing to see how elements from Grindelwald’s story give depth to our understanding of the Harry Potter series.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – Official Trailer

Watching the embedded video will provide viewers with more visual backing on Grindelwald’s role in the Fantastic Beasts series.

It will also offer an understanding of how he connects to the narrative of Harry Potter.

Grindelwald’s Overall Significance in the Potterverse

Firstly, it’s essential to acknowledge that Grindelwald is of massive significance in the entirety of the ‘Potterverse’.

He is a character introduced as one of the most powerful and dangerous dark wizards of all time, second only to Voldemort.

Grindelwald’s backstory helps shape some significant events in the Harry Potter series and draw a connection with Fantastic Beasts.

His influence is a big part of the reason why the series intersect in the way they do.

Grindelwald’s actions have a ripple effect, influencing the events and characters across both series.

This statement is especially true considering the relationship between Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore.

Their connection greatly influences the course of events in both series.

Grindelwald and Dumbledore’s Connection

The relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore is critical for linking the world of Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter.

Their friendship, eventual falling out, and the supposedly unbreakable pact they made is a backstory that pervades both series.

The ‘blood pact’, in particular, is an important plot point that anchors stories from both series.

It’s through this past relationship that we begin to understand Dumbledore’s character and decisions better.

The ‘blood pact’ between Dumbledore and Grindelwald adds indisputable depth to the narrative bridgework between the two series.

It’s a central aspect offering a historical look into motivators and actions of characters in both series.

This refers to not only Grindelwald and Dumbledore but also to characters directly and indirectly affected by their decisions.

Grindelwald’s Role in Intertwining Timelines

Finally, let’s delve into how Grindelwald’s actions aid in intertwining the timelines of Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter.

His rise to power and eventual defeat happens before the events of Harry Potter, setting up a pre-existing historical context.

Moreover, items and pieces of knowledge associated with Grindelwald carry forward into the Harry Potter series and influence events there.

One example is the Elder Wand, which Grindelwald steals during his reign of terror.

This wand plays a pivotal role in both series, further connecting the two.

Grindelwald’s actions, and the consequences that follow, intertwine the timelines of Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter, seamlessly binding them together.

From this perspective, Grindelwald’s actions are the thread that stitches together the two series, creating a comprehensive narrative to enjoy.

Comparing the Magical Creatures in Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter

Exploring the vast universe of magical creatures in both the Fantastic Beasts series and Harry Potter saga provides a rich perspective into J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world.

The diverse magical creatures encountered in the two series are not only fascinating in themselves but also drive major plot points and contribute to the development of key characters.

The Magical Creatures Unique to Fantastic Beasts

In Fantastic Beasts, we are introduced to a collection of uniquely captivating creatures that were not previously seen in the Harry Potter series.

Creatures such as the Niffler, Thunderbird, and Obscurus are all distinctive species that are crucial to the plot of Fantastic Beasts.

In particular, the Niffler standout with their unending fascination for shiny objects, often creating a comedic relief in intense scenes.

The Thunderbird, on the other hand, carries significant symbolic meaning in representing freedom and power in the Wizarding World.

Moreover, the Obscurus, a dark parasitic force, presents a unique exploration of the horrifying consequences of magic repression.

These Fantastic Beasts exclusive creatures enrich the world-building and enhance it with their unique attributes.

Harry Potter’s Signature Magical Creatures

Turning towards the Harry Potter series, we witness a plethora of iconic magical creatures. Dobby the house-elf, Buckbeak the Hippogriff, and Fawkes the Phoenix are among the standout inclusions.

Magical creatures in Harry Potter dare not just fluff, they serve as important pillars of the narrative.

For instance, Dobby’s rebellion against his masters reflects his yearn for a better life, which echoes the overarching thematic concern for freedom and justice in the Harry Potter series.

Apart from Dobby, Fawkes the Phoenix and Buckbeak both play crucial roles in Harry’s life, protecting and aiding him at vital moments.

These magical creatures in Harry Potter equally contribute to the complexity and richness of J.K. Rowling’s enchanting universe.

The Connection Between Magical Creatures in Both Series

Examining the magical creatures across both series, we discover a fondness and respect for these beautifully imagined beasts by our protagonists, Newt Scamander and Harry Potter.

Both Newt and Harry display an exceptional talent for understanding and communicating with these magical creatures, demonstrating their compassion and defying the often harsh norms of their society.

Yet, the clear distinction lies in the diversity and focus of these magical creatures in both series. While the Fantastic Beasts series delves deeper into various unknown species, the Harry Potter saga leans more into familiar creatures, such as owls, cats, and toads.

In conclusion, J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world is infinitely enhanced by the plethora of magical creatures that inhabit it, each embodying distinctive character traits and roles in the narrative, whether in the Harry Potter series or Fantastic Beasts.

Analysing their role and significance in both series provides us with a comprehensive understanding of their overarching contribution to the folklore and magic that makes up this enchanting universe.

Obscurials: Understanding their Role and Significance in both Series

The concept of Obscurials is one of the most intriguing aspects introduced in the Fantastic Beasts series.

This mystifying phenomena not only adds depth to the storyline but also connects significantly with the Harry Potter series.

The term Obscurial refers to a witch or wizard that develops a parasitical magical force, known as an Obscurus, as a result of suppressing their magical abilities due to psychological or emotional trauma.

Creedence Barebone: The Heart of Obscurus

The character that brings Obscurials to light in the Fantastic Beasts series is Credence Barebone.

Fanatastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore provides further exploration of the Obscurial phenomenon.

The character’s journey adds an extra layer of intrigue and depth to the series and significantly impacts the plotline.

Living in constant fear of his own magic, Credence involuntarily develops an Obscurus, which leads to disastrous consequences.

The torment he endures due to his suppressed magic allows us to understand the extreme emotional toll it takes on Obscurials.

Credence Barebone’s character and journey significantly help in understanding the intricacies related to Obscurials

Such deep character development and portrayal have helped audiences connect more emotionally to the serious consequences of suppressing magic and the resulting creation of an Obscurus.

Role of Obscurials in Linking Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter

Obscurials also provide a remarkable bridge between the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter series.

There are several instances in the Harry Potter books where potential Obscurials are hinted at, although the term is never explicitly used.

One such example is of Ariana Dumbledore, who, like Credence, suffered trauma concerning her magical abilities and caused uncontrolled magical outbursts.

This connective thread that links Ariana’s condition to the phenomena of Obscurials is what makes it an essential concept bridging the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter series.

The Obscurial phenomenon serves as a linking pin, connecting events and characters within the two series.

Not only does it illuminate key plot points, but it also offers further insight into the thematic elements of oppression, fear, and the misuse of power that permeates throughout both series.

The understanding of Obscurials also offers a new perspective on certain characters’ actions and motivations within the Harry Potter series, further highlighting its significance.

Grindelwald VS Dumbledore Fight || Scene from Fanatastic Beasts The Secrets of Dumbledore

By watching the video, you’ll get a better visualization of the destructive power of an Obscurus, particularly during the Grindelwald and Dumbledore fight.

This depiction should aid in understanding the critical role Obscurials play in the storyline and their severe ramifications on the characters involved.

Ties between Newt Scamander and Hagrid: Similarities and Differences in their Appreciation for Magical Creatures

Newt Scamander’s Character Sketch

Newt Scamander, inherently compassionate, emerges as an influential protagonist in the Fantastic Beasts series.

Through the series, he is showcased extensively as a zealous and determined magizoologist.

Newt’s devotion towards magical creatures does not limit merely at superficial admiration; he regards them with great empathy and respect.

What sets Newt apart is his audacious courage to protect magical creatures irrespective of their intimidating nature or size, a testament to his unwavering love for them.

He is also known for his groundbreaking definitive guide, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which captures his unmatched expertise and years of research.

Newt’s devotion towards magical creatures does not limit merely at superficial admiration; he regards them with great empathy and respect.

This unwavering dedication towards magical creatures defines Newt’s character, making him a significant influencer within the wizarding community, particularly in the field of magizoology.

In fact, his decisions are often influenced by his boundless empathy for magical creatures.

A Look into Hagrid’s Character

Rubeus Hagrid, introduced in the Harry Potter series, also boasts a deep fondness for magical animals.

Despite being a half-giant, Hagrid’s character stands out due to his tender-hearted nature towards magical creatures, often misunderstood by others.

His role as the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts further emphasizes this passion.

Furthermore, Hagrid, like Newt, does not hesitate to defend and care for creatures, which others regard as dangerous or fearsome.

His affection isn’t limited to popular creatures, but extended to often marginalized ones like Aragog (the Acromantula) and Buckbeak (the Hippogriff).

Furthermore, Hagrid, like Newt, does not hesitate to defend and care for creatures, which others regard as dangerous or fearsome.

This foreshadows the portrayal of Hagrid as an immensely compassionate figure whose love for magical creatures is as unyielding as Newt’s.

Their shared trait of foregrounding the rights and needs of magical creatures above traditional prejudices expresses their shared core identity.

Newt Scamander and Hagrid: A Comparative Analysis

Despite harboring similar attitudes, Newt Scamander and Hagrid display nuanced differences.

Newt, a professional magizoologist, has a scientific approach towards magical creatures, given his keen understanding and meticulous research about their behaviors, habitats, and features.

On the other hand, Hagrid’s empathy turns into an emotional attachment that often overlooks the potential danger these creatures might pose.

While Hagrid’s affection is raw and instant, Newt’s love is often cognizant and reflective, understanding the creatures on a deeper, informed level.

This leads Newt to fight for ethical laws in favor of magical creatures, enforcing a profound societal change, an endeavor that Hagrid, despite his love, doesn’t undertake.

This leads Newt to fight for ethical laws in favor of magical creatures, enforcing a profound societal change, an endeavor that Hagrid, despite his love, doesn’t undertake.

Arguably, these differences and similarities in their personalities lead to far-reaching implications, shaping the course of both series.

Despite their differences, both Newt and Hagrid play instrumental roles in tightening the narrative framework by establishing a deeper bond with the magical creatures.

Influence of the Fantastic Beasts Series on the Harry Potter Plotline

One of the areas in which Fantastic Beasts significantly influences the Harry Potter series is by uncovering the complex past of some of the Harry Potter characters and their motivations.

The Past of Dumbledore and Grindelwald

The Fantastic Beasts series delves into the history of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. They are shown as friends who later become adversaries, which is alluded to but not explored in depth in the original series.

The depth of their relationship offered in Fantastic Beasts paints a more nuanced picture of Dumbledore as well as influences the motives behind his actions in the Harry Potter timeline.

Moreover, it’s through Fantastic Beasts that we learn about Grindelwald’s deception and manipulation of Credence Barebone in his quest for power.

An understanding of this backstory allows for a more comprehensive grasp of the roots of the conflict in Harry Potter

This important backstory helps readers understand how Grindelwald amasses power and why he is such a potent figure of evil in Harry Potter.

The exploration of their past also hints at Dumbledore’s vulnerabilities and complexities which are largely untold in the Harry Potter series, giving us a deeper insight into his character.

The Introduction of Magical Creatures

The Fantastic Beasts series also significantly influences the Harry Potter universe through its introduction of various magical creatures.

These creatures, such as the Niffler, the Bowtruckle, and the Obscurus, are seen or mentioned in the Harry Potter series, but greatly elaborated upon in Fantastic Beasts.

Knowing about these creatures enriches our understanding of the magical universe and provides context within Harry Potter.

Moreover, the depth to which Newt Scamander’s character is developed in Fantastic Beasts also greatly influences the Harry Potter plotline.

The introduction of Scamander’s case of magical beasts provides a more comprehensive understanding of the magical creatures that populate the world of Harry Potter.

The character arcs of Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Scamander significantly contribute to the richness of the Harry Potter plotline

The dynamic between Scamander and his creatures is a motif that is echoed in Hagrid’s relationship with magical beasts in the Harry Potter series.

This emphasizes the enduring theme of compassion for magical creatures that runs through both series.

Professor Dumbledore backstory with Grindelwald in Fantastic Beast The Crimes Of Grindelwald

Embedded in the article is a video that delves deeper into the complex relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Watching it will provide further insights into how this past relationship plays a vital role in understanding the motivations behind the actions of these characters in the Harry Potter series.

Specific Events Aligning Fantastic Beasts Timeline with Harry Potter

The universe of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts intricately overlap, keeping the exciting world of magic alive across different timelines.

Establishment of Hogwarts

The Fantastic Beasts series is set in the run-up to the establishment of Hogwarts, a pivotal event in the Harry Potter universe.

Fans get a view of Albus Dumbledore, a character they know from Harry Potter, in his early teaching years.

This timeline fits seamlessly into the bigger narrative, showcasing the same unique world of magic that Harry Potter readers and viewers know and love.

Introduction of Gellert Grindelwald

Gellert Grindelwald, another crucial figure, was introduced in the Fantastic Beasts series before his pivotal role in the Harry Potter storyline.

Grindelwald’s history works to connect the timelines of both series, shedding light on his relationship with Dumbledore and his ultimate downfall.

This parallel timeline provides fans with a new perspective on the wizarding world, making the plot even more exciting.

Grindelwald’s history in Fantastic Beasts enriches the Harry Potter narrative, creating a seamless transition between the two series.

Understanding Grindelwald’s past gives depth to Dumbledore’s character and also highlights the significance of the Elder Wand, a powerful artifact well-known to Harry Potter fans.

These insights provide readers and viewers with a comprehensive picture of the interconnected wizarding world.

The First Wizarding Wars

The First Wizarding War is a significant event covered in Fantastic Beasts, a phase that led up to Voldemort’s rise to power in Harry Potter.

Therefore, it is evident that the Fantastic Beasts timeline was carefully crafted to align with Harry Potter’s story without creating any plot discrepancies.

The exploration of such violent times in the Wizarding world allows for a more in-depth look at how this impacted the lives of characters that we know and love from Harry Potter.

By diving into the First Wizarding War, Fantastic Beasts illuminates the dark times that shape Harry Potter’s tale, deepening the connection between these two series.

The in-depth look at this historical event helps to deepen the understanding of everything that would later happen in the world of Harry Potter.

Insights from the First Wizarding War further strengthen the bond between characters and their world, displaying the profound impact historical events often have on individuals and society.

By providing historical context, the Fantastic Beasts series helps connect fans with the characters they’ve followed throughout the Harry Potter saga.

The Significance of the Elder Wand

The Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows, was introduced in Fantastic Beasts before it plays a key role in the Harry Potter series.

Fans first see Grindelwald wield the Elder Wand in Fantastic Beasts, ultimately connecting it to Voldemort’s rise to power in Harry Potter.

The Elder Wand, thus, forms a historical bridge, tracing a path from the early Wizarding world to Harry Potter’s timeline.

The Elder Wand’s tale is another connecting thread, highlighting how artifacts from the past hold crucial significance in shared wizarding lore.

The journey of the Elder Wand throughout the series helps fans understand why both Grindelwald and later Voldemort desired it so strongly.

It also emphasizes the power the wand holds, its dangerous allure, and how its presence shapes the destiny of various characters in the wizarding world.

The Introduction of American Wizarding Society and its Connection to Harry Potter

When it comes to understanding the broader wizarding world beyond the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, the introduction of the American wizarding society in the Fantastic Beasts series acts like a gateway.

The Premise of American Wizarding Society

The Fantastic Beasts advance upon the constructs of the magical universe that J.K. Rowling created in Harry Potter by driving us into the American version of it.

In sharp contrast to the European wizardry world, Rowling employs distinct characters, terminologies, laws and governing bodies in the American magical society.

For instance, the governing body for the magical community in America is the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) as opposed to the Ministry of Magic in Britain.

No-Majs is the American word for Muggles, denoting people without any magical abilities. Additionally, the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the American counterpart of Hogwarts.

The engagement between the magical realms of America and Britain constructs a transcontinental magical universe.

This global extension matures the depth and intricacy of the magical world previously limited to British society.

It also offers a comparative study of the cultural and societal differences as well as the parallels between the two magical worlds.

Crossover of Character Arcs and narrative threads

The Fantastic Beasts series lights up numerous connection points between the American wizarding society and Harry Potter.

Despite being set decades before Harry’s time, it sets the stage for events that mold the Harry Potter universe.

For instance, the infamous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, who plays a significant role in both series, has immense influence over the American wizarding society in Fantastic Beasts.

His actions and plans have a direct impact on the series of events that later unfurl in the Harry Potter timeline.

The transition and interplay of characters and plots across the continents bind the two series together intricately.

This resonance ensures that the narratives are intimately interwoven and the events in the American magical world directly impact the story-line in Harry Potter.

Whereas in the Harry Potter series, we catch mere glimpses of Grindelwald’s tumultuous history from Dumbledore’s perspective, Fantastic Beasts fills us in on the complete story by allowing us to witness these events first-hand.

Qilin Chooses Dumbledore

By watching this video, viewers will gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

It provides a sneak peek into the circumstances that led to their eventual fallout and how it ties into the Fantastic Beasts narrative.

American Magical Laws and their Influence on Harry Potter

The distinct laws and regulations of American wizarding society differs from Britain’s Ministry of Magic in many aspects but at the same time, showcases the universality of some rules and also the influence it had on the Harry Potter plot.

While their strict enforcement of Rappaport’s Law, which prevents magical folk from marrying Muggles is a stark contrast to Britain’s more accepting laws, they both ominously prohibit fraternizing with magical creatures.

The laws governing the use of magic highlight the thematic undercurrents common to both series.

These laws contribute to the exploration of themes such as prejudice, division, and human rights – all of which are integral to both the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter series.

The existence of these laws also contributes to significant character development and plot progression in both series.

The Influence of Fantastic Beasts’ Magical Laws and Politics on the Harry Potter Universe

Historically, the phenomenon of wizarding laws and politics has been a crucial part of the Harry Potter series.

The existence of such laws and political systems provide a tangible framework to the mythical world, enhancing the depth and realism of the fantasy.

The introduction of these aspects in the Fantastic Beasts series, hence, presents numerous parallels and influences on the universe we came to know through Harry Potter.

Introduction to Magical Laws in Fantastic Beasts

The leadership model of the wizarding world originates in the Fantastic Beasts series, with the introduction of the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA).

The MACUSA operates under strict regulations, showing a more rigid and bureaucratic side of the magical community, different to the seemingly laxer Ministry of Magic in Britain.

Such divergences in the modus operandi of magical organizations over the continents emphasize cultural differences in the implementation of magic, foreshadowing the struggles Harry and his friends would later face in their crusade against the corrupt Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter series.

Establishment of Rappaport’s Law

The Fantastic Beasts series also introduced the historical segregation law known as Rappaport’s Law in America.

Enforced to segregate wizarding and non-wizarding communities, this law had a direct influence on the premise that the Ministry of Magic wasn’t allowed to reveal itself to the Muggle Prime Minister, as seen in Harry Potter.

The existence of such strict regulation in the magical community inevitably shapes the wizarding world encountered by Harry Potter and his friends, moulding the politics of secrecy that dominate the Harry Potter universe.

The rigid magical laws of Fantastic Beasts thus provide an invaluable context to the stricter wizarding laws of the Harry Potter world.

They set the precedents for why the Ministry of Magic functioned in secret; its interactions with Muggle government, and how it dealt with the wizarding community regulations.

The Foundation of International Confederation of Wizards (ICW)

Fantastic Beasts series sheds light on the intercontinental regulation of magic with the establishment of the ICW, a central point in international wizarding politics.

The ICW and its regulatory systems present an intricate picture of wizards’ governance, one which influences later events in the Harry Potter series.

One such instance is the Triwizard Tournament where the ICW had to step in to handle matters due to an age-related dispute in the Harry Potter Series.

The implication here is that the international legislation and polity of the wizarding world is more complex and structured than seen in the Harry Potter series, which adds further depth and nuance to the universe Rowling has created.

The political and legal aspects introduced in the Fantastic Beasts series thus provide a greater understanding of how the wizarding world of Harry Potter operates.

Final Thoughts

The prevalent structure of magical laws and politics in the Fantastic Beasts series lays a substantial foundation for the proceedings of the Harry Potter universe.

They garner a notable influence on the events, characters, and world-building in the Harry Potter series, adding more depth and complexity to its narrative and underlying themes.

So, while being a delightful journey on its own, the Fantastic Beasts series is also a guide to the mystical world of wizards, tying histories and laws to the legacy of Harry Potter.

The complex interplay of laws and politics originating in the Fantastic Beasts series thus sets the stage for the Harry Potter universe, weaving a wider net of impactful wizarding world policies and politics.

Every spell, creature, character, institution or law from the Fantastic Beasts series adds layers of meaning and depth to Harry Potter, enriching the magical universe we all adore and continually ponder about.

Through this, it becomes evident that the influence of Fantastic Beasts series is not only considerable but pivotal in shaping the universe and storyline of the famed Harry Potter series.

The Bottom Line

Through a deep dive into the enthralling and intertwined world of Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter series, it’s clear that their interconnectedness extends far beyond shared magical creatures.

Characters like Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald exemplify complex evolution across both series, while fresh elements in Fantastic Beasts such as the American Wizarding Society and magical laws significantly shape the Harry Potter universe.

Factors such as Obscurials and Newt Scamander’s relationship with magical creatures emerge as powerful links binding these two series.

Moreover, the Fantastic Beasts series adds a rich layer of backstory, enhancing our understanding of the Harry Potter plotline and its timeline.

Thus, both series, while distinct in their storytelling, continually reciprocate influences, creating a more vibrant and engaging magical world.